2yr Auction Helps an Already Strong Bond Market
  • 2yr Treasury Auction
    • 1 full bp lower than expected (2.125% vs 2.225%)
    • Bid to cover: 2.75x vs 2.52x avg
    • Direct bidders took 27.2 vs 16.4% avg (highest since 2013)
    • Dealers took 26.2% vs 36.1% avg

It's tremendously uncommon for a 2yr Treasury auction to have a visible impact on trading in longer-dated Treasuries like the 10yr, but today is an exception.

Bonds were already much stronger overnight as Treasuries caught up to 2 days worth (Monday and Tuesday's overnight session) of European bond market gains.  2.28% had offered some resistance as a floor during the first few hours of domestic trading.  

Following the auction, 10yr yields broke all the way down to 2.264%, but have since edged slightly higher to 2.269%.   MBS are participating in the rally, but not on the same level as Treasuries.  Fannie 3.0 coupons are up 6 ticks (.19) on the day at 99-24 (99.75).

MBS / Treasury Market Data

UMBS 5.0
UMBS 5.5
2 YR
10 YR
Pricing as of: 8/30 5:59PM EST
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